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Key A hug in a bottle. Transition. When there’s no choice and change is inevitable and beyond your control. Living in community. Being part of the collective. Nurture your heart and keep centered.


Wild Dog Rose

Key A hug in a bottle. Transition. When there’s no choice and change is inevitable and beyond your control. Living in community. Being part of the collective. Nurture your heart and keep centered.

Essence Many years ago I visited Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. At the ‘Horse Shoe’ just before the water tumbles over the precipice, it’s calm and flowing. The waters then changes into a chaotic spray, desperately falling to the river below. It’s an awesome sight in the true sense of the word. I stood and stared at this wondrous natural phenomenon. This analogy is apt for this essence. Sometimes in life, we have no choice but to go over the edge into chaos and the known. We feel displaced, confused or directionless. Like a rabbit caught in headlights. Paralyzed and not sure which way to go. We have to find our way. Major transitions such as a birth, death, marriage, moving house or career change can make us feel unsettled. Waterfall gently guides you to the next step. Disperse fear and confusion. Perhaps you are about to go University? Excited and apprehensive, taking a plunge into a new life away from home and a step to independence. Or are a returning graduate? Coming home, nothing is the same. You are older with more life experience. You have to find work or a place to live. For several years someone has been telling you what to do. Now there’s no one giving you the next assignment. Maybe friends you left behind have moved on. Are you a parent of a child leaving home? The house will feel quiet and strange, with no washing to do and no shoes strewn over the floor! Perhaps your child is returning? You need to find a new way of living. Maybe a relationship has end and you’re single and unused to finding your way? This rose is also called rambling rose. We ramble to find ourselves and our place in the world and to discover new places and people. We may also wander to find peace. Are you trying to find our own style or a career. You may be struggling with your sexual orientation? The gender you have been born as may be different to the way you feel inside. Perhaps you are worried about how the world perceives you? If you stay the same you could be unhappy. Change must happen if you are to be at one with yourself. Are you a parent of a child who feels different in some way and coming to terms with a bombshell. Remember, they have always been the same person on the inside. Love is universal not conditional. Note Western society has made us strive for a better life for ourselves. But why not a better life for everyone? Sharing and caring team work is natural. If we lived in nature we would have to look out for each other. Living with others whether family, friends, in a community or shared space, we learn to live with each other. If people are community orientated and think as part of a collective things can run more smoothly. This essence has many depths and uses. Its sweet scented flower will leave you smelling of roses.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

10 ml, 20 ml


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