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Key Love, grace and beauty. Desirability. Protect and strengthens.  Bring out delicate femininity. Empowering.  Makes men chill and less aggressive. Brings out beauty in the singing voice.



Key Isolation blues. Independence.

Essence With the help of essences I am often encouraging people to get out more and socialize. When Covid arrived and we were hit  and lockdown, many of us were forced into being totally on our own without company or people around us. So many were struggling on their own, isolated from friends and family. We found out what it is often like for many elderly people or others in our society who for one reason or another do not see another person from one week to the next sometimes with the exception of  carers. A carer is not a friend and it’s not the same as having company. This essence is unusual it encourages us to be hermits and retreat happily into our shell, making us more able to cope with being alone without being lonely. It makes you feel other don’t need or want you around. You can be content without others. This could be a useful essence for someone struggling without company or people for one reason or another that are forced into isolation.

Notes Every year in the spring the lawn begins to grows. Annoyingly dandelions grow in it. Call me old fashioned but I try to keep a weed free lawn. In 2018 instead of digging them out, I decided to make an essence from them. It made me feel I didn’t want to join in with social events and that my presence wouldn’t be wanted or missed. I couldn’t understand why I felt like this and realised it was this essence. Why did it have this affect? Previously the presence of dandelions in my lawn had been unwanted. I stopped taking it, as I didn’t want to feel this way. Then during lockdown 2020 I realised that some essences that don’t seem to have a place in my range, do have a use after all.  If you’re experiencing isolation or loneliness this essence could help you.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

10 ml, 20 ml


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